
Martin Straka

Martin Straka

Martin has been paddling his TRAK since 2013 and he says that it has provided him with the unique experience of happiness, speed and freedom – in that order. Martin has had his TRAK on many trips in the car trunk and though he doesn’t always end up using it, it is never a burden to bring along. He says: “It’s easy to travel with! It doesn’t require a roof rack, there is no checking on your kayak and no need to secure it.

When the car is packed, I like having my TRAK in my roof box instead.” Martin is starting a new business with inflatable kayaks and looks forward to promoting TRAK in his area and being part of the global TRAK Team! He has been in the boating and inflatable kayak business for many years and has a good understanding of the value offered by TRAK. 

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Leo Hoogenboom

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Jordan Johnson
Jordan Johnson

Jordan's journey with kayaking began on the Canadian prairies over 10 years ago and has come to bear fruit since moving...

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Martin Feuchtwanger
Martin Feuchtwanger

When pondering what would be my new direction after a career in software development and having only dabbled in many...

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