
World Water Day 2023

March 16, 2023

World Water Day 2023

In celebration of World Water Day, we're feeling gratitude to the life giving power of water. We're made of water, we travel through water, we paddle on the water, it is the most critical of resources.

Protecting our oceans, lakes, and waterways is the responsibility of each of us.

Earth's water resources face numerous threats: pollution, reckless waste, and increasing privatization to name a few. Many species call the water home, and all life is dependent on a healthy and unrestricted hydrologic cycle. These challenges are daunting, and too big for one person to tackle alone. 

You can help by fostering a relationship with water, and learning to care for its use in sustainable ways. Your efforts will spread by example, and others will feel inspired to follow your lead. For the love of water, amplify your voice using waterkeeping hashtags like #LifeUnleahed#Flow#WaterKeepers#Water, #Ocean.

In honour of the day, we're sharing a poem that speaks to the ubiquity of H2O:



An Ode to Water
I am water
The origin of life,
I stir within you
As you tread within me
You were born to float,
to dive, to sail,
and drink
You were born to share me
I am water, and I'm
everywhere beneath your feet
and above your head
leaving comet tails among the stars
You build vessels
to hold me, and to be held up by me;
I carried you to the far shores
of adventure and discovery
Be a proud wellspring,
be a source for others,
be as though I have been;
Indomitable and free  

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