Rita is one of the lucky born and raised in Victoria B.C. on Vancouver Island. In middle school she had the opportunity to try sea kayaking during field trips and decided to participate in elective adventure-based leadership classes in high school that had a large focus on sea kayak touring. From the age of 18 sea kayaking has always been a part of her life and often a part of her livelihood, becoming a SKGABC level 1 guide in 2009 and an AOG in 2012.
Rita's first introduction to TRAK kayaks was while working at Ocean River Sports and she was impressed by the performance of such a versatile watercraft. In the summer of 2023 she decided to participate in a fun race around Cormorant Island called 'Alert Bay 360' but a day before the race had car troubles and her only option to get to the race was to borrow a family car that did not have a roof rack to accommodate her sea kayak. The perfect solution came to mind and she was able to borrow a TRAK from a friend in order to participate in the event. This solidified her love for the packable performance kayak and has caused her to get her hands on one to see what other adventures it can take her on.
Follow 'Blackfish' Rita Kasla on her Instagram