
JP & Irene Morgan

JP & Irene Morgan

JP and Irene discovered their love of kayaking in 2013 after a few casual paddling sessions and immediately began assembling their kayak fleet. TRAK owners since 2016, JP and Irene appreciate the unique opportunity that kayaking has provided to see things different. They are frequent explorers of the Rideau Canal system which links Ottawa to Kingston, and enjoy adventures in the extensive system of locks, lakes, and rivers which make up the canal and are eager to see more of Canada’s vast waterways. Follow their photo blog, Xplordinary, on social media to see footage of their extraordinary adventures!

Xplordinary on Instagram

Leo Hoogenboom
Leo Hoogenboom

From childhood, Leo has been enjoying time on the water swimming, kayaking, sailing, free diving and eventually becoming an accomplished...

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Jordan Johnson
Jordan Johnson

Jordan's journey with kayaking began on the Canadian prairies over 10 years ago and has come to bear fruit since moving...

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Martin Feuchtwanger
Martin Feuchtwanger

When pondering what would be my new direction after a career in software development and having only dabbled in many...

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