
TRAK Pilot European Tour 2024

August 09, 2024

TRAK Pilot European Tour 2024

Rügen Circumnavigation

Later this month, TRAK Pilots Magdalene Krüger & Jason Guindon are embarking on a circumnavigation of Rügen, Germany’s largest island. They will be putting their TRAK kayaks to the test over 215km of coastline in 10 days.

Standing tall within the Baltic Sea, directly across from the city of Stralsund, Rügen’s chalk cliffs and ancient historical sites - combined with a laidback rural charm, draw many visitors every year. The stunning coastline is also attractive to sea kayakers as a destination that offers some challenge, and a lot of unforgettable views into the open Baltic.


(TRAK Pilots Magdalene & Jason in the Gulf Island of BC, Canada)

Meet the expeditioners and test their kayaks!

Magdalene & Jason invite paddlers from the German sea kayak community to join them to meet in Stralsund on the 31st of August, after they return. Paddlers can expect to learn about the unique TRAK 2.0 kayak and how to build it, hear about how it withstood the expedition, and test paddle it for themselves. 

Saturday, August 31st
Stralsunder Kanu Club
Stralsund, DE
10:00 - 15:00


Monday, September 2nd - Saturday, September 7th, 2024
Deutsche Seekajakwoche
Ouwekirk, NL
Test paddles by request on-location 


Test the TRAK during Seekajakwoche 2024 in The Netherlands

The TRAK Pilots are making their way straight to the German sea kayak symposium after Rügen, and will be there paddling and offering TRAK workshops throughout the weeklong symposium. Discover the finer points and features of the unique TRAK 2.0 kayak and test paddle it while enjoying the communal atmosphere during the premier German seakayaking event. 


Signup Below to Attend either event - Just select your preferred location in the Test Paddle form.






Collect your new TRAK in Lago di Garda, IT

Join Magdalene, Jason, and other European TRAK Pilots at one of a kind “glamp out” at a resort on the largest lake in Italy with an exclusive, guaranteed kayak delivery bundle.

There are only a few new kayaks and cabins remaining for this fabulous basecamp tour. Picking up your new kayak with the Pilots at your service for product and skills training, while paddling into the moats of ancient castles and along the cliffs of the Dolomites, is the best way to gain confidence in your new boat while enjoying an unforgettable experience. 

Meet the TRAK community of paddlers forming within Europe, as more and more paddlers choose the TRAK 2.0 as their craft of choice.


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